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Partnering with a Local Screen Printing Company for Work Wear


Investing in infinitely-wearable custom work attire plays a pivotal role in establishing a professional image for your business or organization. This comprehensive article delves into the benefits of partnering with a local screen printing company for work wear, guiding you through the entire process.

Local Collaboration Benefits

Local businesses are often more accessible for face-to-face interactions, allowing you to build a personal relationship. Close proximity facilitates better communication, faster turnaround, and the agility required to tackle potential issues. Whether you are another local business or a large corporation, developing partnerships with the companies in your community is positive for your brand and the surrounding economy.

Understanding Your Brand

Local screen printing companies are more likely to understand the local market and the unique needs of your business or organization. When you are looking for a specific look and feel, a large online screen printing provider will have limited ability to discuss what products would best fit your budget and needs. Local shops can provide insights into the preferences of businesses like yours and the industry trends that keep your brand up-to-date, helping you create work wear that empowers your employees.

Quality Control and Samples

Working with a local screen printing company allows you to have better control over the quality of your workwear apparel. You can request samples of the printed designs before proceeding with the full order, ensuring that the final product meets your standards. The previous two benefits speak to the power of this kind of quality control. When a local shop is just a drive away, you can meet the people you trade emails with and see their business in action. You can feel and see the fabrics and design templates before you commit to them.

If you are new to ordering screen printed apparel, check out our article, How to Order Screen Printed T Shirts, within our resource section.

Work Wear Options

  • High visibility t-shirts – short sleeve and long sleeve

  • Safety Vests

safety vest - screen printed safety vest

  • High visibility polos

safety polos - high visibility - screen printed

  • High visibility jackets

high visibility jacket - screen printed - embroidered


Customization Options

Local screen printing and embroidery companies offer a wide range of customization options. From choosing the type of work wear, such as shirts, jackets, or hats, to selecting the color and fabric, you have greater flexibility in tailoring the apparel to suit your brand’s image. Unlike many other kinds of screen printing jobs, work wear apparel needs an expert eye and a high level of customization. Your company is hoping to provide your team members with clothing that they are proud to wear. When you develop a relationship with a local screen printing team, they can enable you to achieve this goal with efficiency and precision.

Personalized Design Assistance

It’s not all about the materials. Creating work wear means matching the clothing with logos and other branding elements. Collaborating with a local printer allows you to benefit from personalized design assistance. Experienced professionals can help you refine your ideas, optimize your design for printing, and offer creative suggestions to make your workwear stand out. While it might seem like an easy task to place a logo on a garment, the variety of materials, inks, and intricate design elements will often require an in-house design team that knows how to make your design ready for screen printing.

Quick Turnaround Times

We have already mentioned turnaround times, but it deserves another mention. Local screen printing companies offer quicker turnaround times compared to outsourcing to distant suppliers. With online service providers, you have to consider shipping costs and timelines that may not be in play when you order from a local screen printing company. This is particularly advantageous when you have tight deadlines for events, promotions, or seasonal campaigns.

Cost Effective for Small to Medium Orders

If your workwear apparel needs are relatively modest, partnering with a local screen printing company can be more cost-effective. Local businesses often cater to smaller orders with competitive pricing, making it an ideal choice for businesses or organizations with limited budgets. Many online screen printing companies boast low prices for smaller orders, but their fixed prices, shipping costs, and hidden fees might mislead you into thinking that you are getting a better deal than you are. Partnering with a team in your community means greater transparency into pricing models and a flexibility with prices that is impossible with larger corporations.

Community Support and Sustainability

We’ve mentioned economic support before, but it is very important that we turn our attention to it again. Supporting local businesses contributes to the economic well-being of your community. Even if you are a larger business, supporting local businesses and organizations directly impacts the communities that your employees live and work in. Additionally, working with a local screen printing company may allow you to explore sustainable and eco-friendly printing options, aligning your brand with environmentally conscious practices.


Partnering with a local screen printing company for work wear is a strategic decision that offers numerous benefits, from personalized design assistance to quicker turnaround times. By fostering a collaboration with a local business, you not only enhance your brand image but also contribute to the growth and sustainability of your community. Consider the advantages outlined in this article as you explore the potential of local partnerships for your workwear needs.